
Relationship advice

How Meeting Yourself Can Help You be Better in a Relationship

Have you ever shared a challenge with your partner and been met with a “don’t worry, you’re great.” While our partner may mean to support us or cheer us up, this response can often end up making us feel alone and unseen. Here’s a Ritual reframe on what actually happens in those moments, and how we can turn them into deeply intimate moments of growth, between you and your partner, and you and you.
Relationship advice

Healthy Relationship Tips: Celebrate the No

Saying no isn’t bad - it’s an important skill in every relationship Relationships require a lot from us, but they don’t require us to lose ourselves in them. How can we stay close to each other while still being true to ourselves? This is where people struggle most so often stuck in the belief that boundaries are meant to keep *the bad stuff* out, why do we need to put up boundaries with our loved ones? But we do. And here’s why.