tart a new diet, kick an old habit, or pick up a new hobby; each of these New Year's resolutions sounds pretty familiar, right? But have you ever considered putting a relationship reboot on your list of to-dos this January? 

There are so many ways that you can improve your relationship (that will also benefit you and your partner as individuals) and the new year is the perfect excuse to do just that! These are Ritual’s expert tips for strengthening your relationship going into the new year.

#1 Open communication

Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. As you enter the new year, commit to open and honest communication with your partner. Create a safe space for you both to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. When you prioritize communication, you set the stage for a deeper connection and more resilient relationship. 

Where to begin: Schedule regular check-ins to discuss concerns, desires, and goals. Active listening is equally crucial – make an effort to truly understand your partner's perspective, validating their emotions and experiences.

#2 Reflect and learn

Reflecting on past experiences allows both of you to gain insight into the dynamics of your relationship, making room for personal growth and positive change. Learning from the past helps you avoid repeating destructive patterns and lays the groundwork for a more harmonious future.

Where to begin: Make time to reflect on the challenges your relationship faced in the past year. Identify patterns, triggers, and recurring issues. Acknowledge your role in these challenges, and encourage your partner to do the same.

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#3 Set realistic goals

In the spirit of the new year, set realistic and achievable goals for your relationship. These goals can range from improving communication to spending more quality time together. Setting shared objectives promotes collaboration, encouraging you both to actively work towards a common purpose.

Where to begin: Be specific in outlining the steps you'll take to achieve your shared goals and ensure they are realistic for you both. Regularly revisit and reassess them to track your progress and make adjustments when needed.

#4 Quality time and intimacy

Don’t forget to prioritize time together. In the hustle and bustle of the new year (and daily life in general), quality time can sometimes take a back seat. Focus on intimacy - not just physical but also emotional. Share your thoughts, feelings, fears, and dreams with your partner to help foster a deeper connection. 

Where to begin: Schedule regular date nights or plan days out to create opportunities for shared experiences. Encourage speaking openly and honestly and sharing your thoughts and feelings.

#5 Consider professional support

If problems in your relationship are persistent, or if it seems like you won’t be able to overcome the challenges on your own, consider speaking with a professional. Relationship experts can provide a neutral and supportive environment for both partners to explore their feelings and concerns. They will be able to offer valuable insights and strategies to better your relationship. 

Where to begin: Spend time doing your research together and find an expert who will suit you both. If you would like a schedule-friendly and affordable option, consider online relationship guidance with Ritual.

#6 Practice empathy 

Empathy involves acknowledging and validating your partner's feelings without necessarily agreeing. It can be a powerful tool in resolving relationship problems. This compassionate approach fosters a sense of emotional safety and understanding, contributing to a more harmonious relationship. 

Where to begin: Make a conscious effort to step into your partner's shoes and view situations from their vantage point.

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#7 Express gratitude 

Don’t forget to cultivate gratitude for the positive aspects of your relationship! Reflect on the qualities you appreciate in your partner and the memories and moments that have brought you joy and connection in the past. Expressing gratitude can be a powerful tool for fostering a positive outlook on your relationship. 

Where to begin: Consider incorporating regular gratitude practices, such as sharing appreciation or writing short love notes. 

#8 Embrace change 

Change is inevitable and relationships are no exception. Practice embracing a mindset of adaptability, recognizing that you and your partner are constantly evolving - which is not necessarily a bad thing! Being willing to adapt can foster flexibility and resilience, ensuring your connection can stand the test of time. 

Where to begin: Try to be open to adapting your communication style, priorities, and expectations - this can help accommodate growth and changes in your relationship. 

#9 Don’t forget about yourself!

Your relationship with your partner is important, but so is your relationship with yourself! Be sure to prioritize self-care this new year - physically and emotionally. By taking care of yourself, you can contribute to the overall strength of your relationship, don’t forget to encourage your partner to do the same.

Where to begin: Practice self-reflection, engage in activities that bring you joy, and prioritize your mental and physical health.

Ritual is on a mission to make good relationship care accessible to all. Our model was designed to remove barriers like cost, tight schedules, and partner participation. We do that with scientifically validated methods, supported by the most up-to-date research from the strongest names in the field.

Here’s how it works:

  • You will work with a trained professional who can offer a wide variety of evidence-based interventions.
  • In between your sessions, you will receive weekly videos with tried-and-tested knowledge and exercises focused on your specific needs and goals.
  • The sessions with your dedicated expert will help you integrate what you learned into everyday life.

Start your journey with Ritual today.

February 19, 2024
Relationship advice

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