he Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the longest studies carried out on human happiness. The number one insight from this study? Deep and healthy relationships are key to a good life and well-being.  That’s why when you begin to argue a little more with your partner, or you can’t see eye to eye on an important issue, it’s crucial to address these issues, rather than pushing them aside. That’s where Ritual can help. 

Couples support can not only help you navigate rocky waters but can help you find that sought-after spark again. These are the 10 signs you need relationship help.

10 signs you and your partner need relationship help  

#1 You find it difficult to communicate 

Communication problems are one of the clear tell-tale signs that a relationship may benefit from couples support. When we talk about communication problems, we’re not necessarily referring to a time that your partner didn’t load the dishwasher when you asked, we’re talking about frequent miscommunications that lead to misunderstanding and distance. If you find you are both constantly misinterpreting each other, avoiding important conversations, or arguing over what would usually be something trivial, you should consider getting relationship help. 

How Ritual can help:

Our experts can help you develop communication skills and strategies and teach you active listening techniques to create a safe space to communicate openly.

#2 You are arguing more than usual 

Are you constantly arguing with your partner? This is sign number two that you would benefit from couples support. Couples who experience ongoing conflict can find themselves stuck in a negative cycle of blame and resentment. If your conflicts and arguments seem to happen consistently or you are always having the same argument, a professional can potentially help you break that cycle. 

How Ritual can help: 

The experts at Ritual can assist in identifying the underlying issues that fuel conflict in the first place. They will guide you towards healthier ways of communicating effectively and improving communication issues.

#3 You feel distant towards each other 

Emotional disconnection can happen in many different ways, it might mean you feel distant, emotionally detached, or maybe even indifferent towards your partner. When you start to feel an emotional distance that you can’t quite seem to fill, seeking professional help can help by providing an environment to explore the causes and rebuild that emotional support and connection you both once had. 

How Ritual can help: 

The experts at Ritual can help you reconnect by offering tools to rekindle the spark that brought you together at the beginning!

#4 You are having trust issues 

Trust is one of the cornerstones of any healthy relationship. So, when trust issues begin to rise to the surface, it can impact the foundation of any committed relationship, leading to insecurity and jealousy. There are so many reasons trust issues may arise such as past betrayals or unresolved conflicts - seeking support can help you take the steps to move past these.

How Ritual can help: 

At Ritual, we can help you address the root causes of trust issues and guide you through the process of rebuilding trust in a supportive environment.

#5 You are experiencing intimacy problems  

Intimacy doesn’t just refer to physical intimacy, it also describes an emotional connection and the ability to be vulnerable. When physical or emotional intimacy problems persist, it can affect many different aspects of your relationship. Whether you have lost interest in sexual intimacy entirely or you no longer feel comfortable opening up (or both), a couples specialist can offer the guidance you may be looking for.

How Ritual can help: 

A licensed expert can help you address the underlying factors affecting intimacy. The experts at Ritual can help in providing strategies to improve physical and emotional connection.

#6 You are having parenting conflicts  

They say that being a parent is one of the most rewarding roles some of us have in life. However, parenting can bring with it a number of challenges, including in your relationship. When disagreements and conflict over different parenting styles begin, they can cause significant stress for the entire family, including your child. If parenting conflicts have become more frequent, a relationship therapist will be able to offer advice and direction. 

How Ritual can help: 

Couples support can provide a space for couples to work through parenting conflicts, effectively communicate, and maintain a healthy environment for the entire family. 

#7 You are managing all responsibilities (or vice versa)

It is not uncommon for there to be a somewhat unequal distribution of responsibilities in a relationship. This might include household chores, finances, or childcare. Still, if this imbalance persists over a long period, it can lead to resentment and even feelings of being undervalued. If this sounds familiar, relationship support can help you and your partner discuss these relationship dynamics and plan for a fairer share of responsibilities. 

How Ritual can help: 

Relationship support with Ritual can help couples navigate these differences by encouraging discussions and setting up strategies to distribute responsibilities and create healthy boundaries.

#8 You are going through a major life change

Maybe you have started a new career, just moved, or have recently lost a loved one. Major life changes can have an emotional toll on a relationship, even if you feel you were prepared for it. Change can completely interrupt the regular balance in a partnership, which is why it’s essential to speak with an expert to help you both adapt to your new circumstances. 

How Ritual can help:

Our experts can support you by offering effective ways for you to navigate any challenges that recent changes may have caused and ultimately, help you both adjust. 

#9 You no longer share each other’s goals 

Building a life together, focusing on mutual passions, or working towards plans, are all examples of shared goals in a relationship, and couples often thrive when they have even one of these. If you notice that you are beginning to drift apart or become less interested in sharing in your partner's goals, you should consider getting couples help. 

How Ritual can help:

Relationship support with Ritual can help you identify your shared values again and create a path that aligns with both of your goals.

#10 You just feel, stuck 

You can’t put your finger on it but you just have a feeling of being stuck in the relationship, with no clear path forward. This can understandably lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and emotional withdrawal. If you want to get back on track, couples support with a professional can help. 

How Ritual can help:

The therapeutic process with Ritual’s experts can provide the tools and insights you need to break through that ‘stuck’ feeling and work toward a more fulfilling and exciting future with your other half.

Ritual is on a mission to make good relationship care accessible to all. Our model was designed to remove barriers like cost, tight schedules, and partner participation. We do that with scientifically validated methods, supported by the most up-to-date research from the strongest names in the field.

Here’s how it works: 

  • You will work with a trained professional who can offer a wide variety of evidence-based interventions.
  • In between your sessions, you will receive weekly videos with tried-and-tested knowledge and exercises focused on your specific needs and goals. 
  • The sessions with your dedicated expert will help you integrate what you learned into everyday life.

Start your journey with Ritual today. 

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